# WebView

Use of WebView

# Manifest Declaration

You need to declare the use of this API in the manifest's features member:

{"name": "system.webview"}

# Module Import

Before using this service in a component, you need to import the module in the script section of the UX document.

import webview from '@system.webview' 


let webview = require("@system.webview")

# Methods

This service has the following methods:

# loadUrl({url,allowthirdpartycookies,showloadingdialog})

This method opens a web resource.

This service supports file download within the quick app.

By default, the app title bar will include the title of the web page loaded.

User Agent HTTP header

The system sends a HTTP header with the following user agent:

hap/<platform-version-number>/<vendor-ID><platform-app-package-name>/<platform-app-version-number><app-package-name>/<app-version-number> (<source>).

<source> is the same as that the return of the app.getInfo() method.


Quick apps do not differentiate HTTP and HTTPS scenarios at the underlying implementation layer, so be cautious when using HTTP links on the page.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • url (string). Mandatory attribute with the URL of the web page to load.
  • allowthirdpartycookies (boolean). Optional flag to indicate if cookies can be delivered across domains. The default value is false. - showloadingdialog (boolean). Optional flag to indicate if the system displays the loading progress bar. The default value is true.


    url: 'https://www.example.com', 
    allowthirdpartycookies: false 

# loadCustomTabsUrl({url,options,success,fail,complete})

This method opens a web page using custom tabs.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • url (string). Mandatory attribute with the URL of the web page to load.
  • options (object). Optional parameters for customizing the appearance and style of the browser. The options may include the following attributes:
    • toolBarColor (string). Optional attribute indicating the color of the toolbar.
    • showTitle (boolean). Optional flag to indicate if the title must be displayed (true) or not (false).
    • addDefaultShareMenuItem (boolean). Optional flag to indicate if the system must add the default sharing menu (true) or not (false).
    • navigationBarColor (string). Optional attribute indicating the navigation bar color.
    • colorScheme (string). Optional attribute indicating the theme mode. The options are as follows:
      • COLOR_SCHEME_SYSTEM: system theme (default value)
      • COLOR_SCHEME_LIGHT: light theme
      • COLOR_SCHEME_DARK: dark theme
    • enableUrlBarHiding (boolean). Optional flag to indicate if the system must hide the address bar (true) or not (false).
    • isOpenAdFilter (boolean). Optional flag to indicate if the system must filter ads (false indicates that ad filtering is disabled)
    • isOpenBlockTrackingCookies (boolean). Optional flag to indicate if the system must block tracking cookies (true for blocking enabled and false for blocking disabled). The default value is false.
    • whenAboutBlankClose (boolean). Optional flag to indicate if the system must close the custom tab page when the about:blank page is loaded (true for closing the custom tab page).
    • userAgent (string). Optional attribute indicating the type of user agent to be sent. The options are: ANDROID_MODE, PC_MODE, IPHONE_MODE, and PAD_MODE.
    • launchFlag (string). Optional attribute indicating the mode when using custom tabs of the browser. The only value supported is newTask to open custom tabs through a new task stack.
  • success (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution.
  • fail (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the failed execution.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


  url: 'https://www.example.org', 
  options: { 
    toolBarColor: '#FF00FF', 
    showTitle: 'false', 
    addDefaultShareMenuItem: true, 
    navigationBarColor: '#00BFFF', 
    enableUrlBarHiding: 'true', 
    isOpenAdFilter: false, 
    isOpenBlockTrackingCookies: true, 
    whenAboutBlankClose: true, 
    colorScheme: 'COLOR_SCHEME_DARK' 

# preloadCustomTabsUrl({url,success,fail,complete})

Preloads the URL of a web page.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • url (string). Mandatory attribute with the URL of the web page to load.
  • success (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution.
  • fail (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the failed execution.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


  url: "https://www.example.org/", 
  success: function (data) { 
  fail: function (data) { 

# getCustomTabsVersion()

Checks whether the custom tabs feature and other relevant features are available for use.

# Return

This method returns an object with the following member:

  • cctVersion (number) with an integer indicating the custom tabs feature supported. The default value is 1.


When the value is greater than or equal to 1, web pages can be opened using the custom tabs feature. When the value is greater than or equal to 2, you can use the user agent type.


const res = webview.getCustomTabsVersion() 
console.log('CustomTabsVersion: ' + res.cctVersion)

# system.go(path)

Redirects a user from a web page opened by the WebView to a page of the current app.

# Arguments

  • path (string). Mandatory argument with the path of the page to be opened.


If the system doesn't find the page, it opens the home page.



# Example

            <text>WebView Example</text> 
            <input type="button" onclick="loadUrl" value="Open the Quick App Initiative website." /> 
            <input type="button" onclick="loaddownLoadUrl" value="Open the web page with a download link." /> 
            <input type="button" onclick="loadFileUploadSupportUrl" value="Open the WebView to support file upload." /> 
            <input type="button" onclick="allowthirdcookie" value="Support passing cross-domain cookies." /> 
    @import '../Common/css/common.css'; 
    .item-container { 
        margin-bottom: 50px; 
        margin-right: 60px; 
        margin-left: 60px; 
        flex-direction: column; 
    import webview from '@system.webview' 
    export default { 
        loadUrl: function () { 
                url: 'https://quick-app-initiative.ow2.io/' 
        loaddownLoadUrl: function () { 
                url: 'https://gitlab.ow2.org/quick-app-initiative/quick-app-initiative/-/raw/master/use-cases/hello-world/src/Common/logo.png' 
        loadFileUploadSupportUrl() { 
                url: "https://quick-app-initiative.ow2.io/" 
        allowthirdcookie: function () { 
                url: 'https://quick-app-initiative.ow2.io/', 
                allowthirdpartycookies: true 