# Upload

File upload management.

# Manifest Declaration

You need to declare the use of this API in the manifest's features member:

{"name": "system.uploadtask"}

# Module Import

Before using this service in a component, you need to import the module in the script section of the UX document.

import uploadtask from '@system.uploadtask' 


let uploadtask = require("@system.uploadtask")

# Methods

This service has the following methods:

# uploadFile({url,files,header,method,data,timeout,success,fail,complete})

Creates an upload request.

Every time this method is called, a new object is returned.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • url (string). Mandatory attribute with the URL of the resource.
  • files (array). Mandatory attribute with the list of files to be uploaded, submitted as multipart/form-data. The array include objects with the following members:
    • uri (string). Mandatory attribute with the local path of the files to be uploaded.
    • filename (string). Optional attribute with the file name in the header (when submitting multipart). If the file name is not specified here, the file name is obtained from the URI by default.
    • name (string). Optional attribute with the name of the form when multipart is submitted. The default value is file.
    • type (string). Optional attribute with the Content-Type of the files to be uploaded. If this parameter is not specified, the system will select a Content-Type based on the filename or URI extension. The system will show an error if Content-Type cannot be obtained, indicating that the parameter is invalid.
  • header (object). Optional attribute with the headers of the request. User agent header is automatic specified.
  • method (string). Optional attribute with the HTTP method: POST (default value) and PUT.
  • data (array). Optional attribute with additional form data in an HTTP request. The array contains objects with the following members:
    • name (string). Mandatory attribute with the name of the form field.
    • value (string). Mandatory attribute with the value of the form field.
  • timeout (number). Optional attribute that specifies the connection timeout (not the read/write timeout interval) in millisecond (by default 10000).
  • success (function(res)). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution. The argument of the callback function is an object with the following members:
    • statusCode (number). Server status code.
    • data (string). If the value of type in the header returned by the server is text/*, application/json, application/javascript, or application/xml, the value is textual. Otherwise, the value is the URI of a temporary file.
    • headers (object). HTTP headers in the response from the server.
  • fail (function(msg,code)). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution. The arguments of the callback function are:
    • msg (object) Message with information about the error (text in msg.errMsg).
    • code (number) Error code.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


this.mytask = uploadtask.uploadFile({ 
    url: "https://example.org/upload", 
    header: { "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept-Language": "fr-FR,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6" }, 
    files: [ 
            uri: "internal://mass/videoupload.mp4", 
            name: "file1", 
            type: "video" 
    ], data: [ 
            name: "key1", 
            value: "value1" 
    success: function (data) { 
        console.log("handling success:" + JSON.stringify(data)); 
    fail: function (data, code) { 
        console.log("handling fail, data =" + data.statusText); 

# abort()

Method to cancel an upload task.



# Events

This service provides the following listeners:

# onProgressUpdate(function({progress,totalBytesSent,totalBytesExpectedToSend}))

Method to listen to upload progress change events.

Every time this method is called, a new object is returned.

# Arguments

This method requires a callback function with an object as argument that has the following members:

  • progress (number). Upload progress, in percentage.
  • totalBytesSent (number). Size of the uploaded data, in bytes.
  • totalBytesExpectedToSend (number). Expected size of data to be uploaded, in bytes.


this.mytask.onProgressUpdate(res => { 
    console.log("Upload onProgressUpdate = " + JSON.stringify(res)) 

# offProgressUpdate()

Method to cancel a listener of upload progress change events.



# onHeadersReceived(function({header}))

Method to listen to HTTP response header events.

This method needs to be called before the file upload is completed.

# Arguments

This method requires a callback function with an object as argument that has the following member:

  • header (object). HTTP response headers returned by the server.


this.mytask.onHeadersReceived(res => { 
    console.log("Upload onHeaderReceived = " + JSON.stringify(res)) 

# offHeadersReceived()

Method to cancel a listener of HTTP response headers events.

