# Page Routing

Routing of pages and components.

# Manifest Declaration

You need to declare the use of this API in the manifest's features member:

{"name": "system.router"}

# Module Import

Before using this service in a component, you need to import the module in the script section of the UX document.

import router from '@system.router' 


let router = require("@system.router")

# Methods

This service has the following methods:

# push({uri,params})

This method redirects the user to an in-app page.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • uri (string). Mandatory attribute with the target URI, which supports the following formats:

    • A full URI with one of the following schemas: tel, sms, mailto, and hap (e.g., tel:10086, mailto:me@example.org, and hap://app/org.example.app/index?param1=value1).
    • An absolute in-app page path (e.g., /about).
    • a relative in-app page path (e.g., about).
    • /. If there is no any page with the path /, the home page is used by default.
    • hap://settings/permission_manager to access the permission management page of a quick app.
    • hap://settings/location_source_manager: The system loads the location management page.
  • params (object). Optional attribute with the data to be passed during the redirection. The target page will be able to access the parameters directly as a member of its instance (e.g., this.param1, where param1 is the name of the parameter name defined in the JSON object. The value of param1 will be converted into a string. The object may contain the following reserved members:

    • ___PARAM_LAUNCH_FLAG___ (string). Optional member to indicate the launch mode of the page (only clearTask value is supported). Read more about Page Launch Mode.
    • ___PARAM_LAUNCH_NATIVE_FLAG___ (string). Optional flag to indicate that the URI corresponds to a native app. The default value is newTask. You can set multiple flags as required, separating them through the pipeline character (|) (e.g., newTask|clearTask and newTask|clearTop).
      • newTask: default behavior of quick app engine, which is the same as the behavior triggered by Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK for Android.
      • standard: default behavior by using activity. A newly opened page is added to the quick app stack. After a user taps the back button, the user does not exit the quick app. This behavior is the same as that triggered when no flag is carried during activity-based launch on Android.
      • broughtToFront: behavior like with Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT on Android.
      • clearTask: behavior like with Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK on Android.
      • singleTop: behavior like with Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP on Android.
      • clearTop: behavior like with Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP on Android. ___PARAM_PAGE_ANIMATION___ (object). Optional attribute to indicate the type of animation for the page redirection.

When the value of the uri parameter is a schema-based URI, the system will process the request as follows:

  1. Match the proper filter, as specified in the filter settings.
  2. If the page doesn't exist, the system will use the default policy to process the request (supporting HTTP, HTTPS, and internal schemas).
  3. If the default policy cannot process the request, the system will use a system app to process the request.
  4. If there is no system app that can process the request, the system will discard the request.

The processing logic of the default policy is as follows:

  1. If the schema is HTTP or HTTPS, open the web page in stand alone mode, instead of widget mode.
  2. If the schema is an internal schema, determine the file type based on the file name extension of the URI, and then launch a system app to open the file.


// launch phone app 
  uri: 'tel:10086' 
// open page by path 
  uri: '/about', 
  params: { testId:'1' } 
// open page by name 
  uri: 'About', 
  params: { testId:'1' } 
// send SMS 
  uri: 'sms', 
  params: { body:'test send message' } 
// open web page 
  uri: 'https://www.example.org' 
// install apk 
  uri: 'internal://cache/example.apk' 
// Open page with 'clearTask' flag 
  uri: '/about', 
  params: {___PARAM_LAUNCH_FLAG___: 'clearTask'} 
// Animations
  uri: '/', 
  params: { 
      openEnter: 'slide', 
      closeEnter: 'none', 
      openExit: 'slide', 
      closeExit: 'none' 

Example code for opening two native apps:

import pkg from '@system.package'; 
// Map navigation 
    if (address == undefined) { 
    // Address conversion 
    var special = "Address 1"; 
    if (address.indexOf(special)>=0) { 
        address = address.substr(0, address.indexOf(special)+ special.length); 
    special = "Address 2"; 
    if (address.indexOf(special)>=0) { 
        address = address.substr(0, address.indexOf(special)+ special.length); 
    special = "Address 3"; 
    if (address.indexOf(special)>=0) { 
        address = address.substr(0, address.indexOf(special)+ special.length); 
    special = "Address 1"; 
    if (address.indexOf(special)>=0) { 
        address = address.substr(0, address.indexOf(special)+ special.length); 
    special = "Address 2"; 
    if (address.indexOf(special)>=0) { 
        address = address.substr(0, address.indexOf(special)+ special.length); 
    special = "Address 3"; 
    if (address.indexOf(special)>=0) { 
        address = address.substr(0, address.indexOf(special)+ special.length); 
    special = "Address 1"; 
    if (address.indexOf(special)>=0) { 
        address = address.substr(0, address.indexOf(special)+ special.length); 
    special = "Address 2"; 
    if (address.indexOf(special)>=0) { 
        address = address.substr(0, address.indexOf(special)+ special.length); 
    var listNavApp = {baidu:false,gaode:false}; 
    // Asynchronously detect Baidu Map. 
    this.checkBaidu(listNavApp, address); 
// Asynchronously detect Baidu Map. 
checkBaidu(navAppObj, address){ 
    var that = this; 
        package: 'com.baidu.BaiduMap', 
        success: function (data) { 
            if (data.result) { 
                navAppObj.baidu = true; 
            that.checkGaode(navAppObj, address); 
        fail: function (data, code) { 
            that.checkGaode(navAppObj, address); 
// Asynchronously detect AutoNavi Map. 
checkGaode(navAppObj, address){ 
    var that = this; 
        package: 'com.autonavi.minimap', 
        success: function (data) { 
            if (data.result) { 
                navAppObj.gaode = true; 
            that.onCheckEnd(navAppObj, address); 
        fail: function (data, code) { 
            that.onCheckEnd(navAppObj, address); 
// Display the navigation selection box. 
onCheckEnd(navAppObj, address){ 
    var listNavApp=[]; 
    if(navAppObj.baidu) { 
        listNavApp = listNavApp.concat("Baidu Map"); 
    if(navAppObj.gaode) { 
        listNavApp = listNavApp.concat("AutoNavi Map"); 
    if (listNavApp.length == 0) { 
    // show nav list 
        itemList: listNavApp, 
        success: function (data) { 
            // find map url 
            var mapUrl; 
            if (listNavApp[data.index] == 'Baidu Map') { 
                mapUrl = 'baidumap://map/direction?destination='+address+'&coord_type=bd09ll&mode=driving&src=com.huawei.fastapp'; 
            } else if (listNavApp[data.index] == 'AutoNavi Map') { 
                mapUrl = 'amapuri://route/plan?sourceApplication=amap&dname='+address+'&dev=0&style=0'; 
            } else { 
            // start nav app 
                uri: mapUrl 
        cancel: function () { 
            console.log('user cancel'); 


The total size of the object attributes cannot exceed 128 KBytes.


Data passed during the page redirection can be accessed by other apps. Be careful with when you share sensitive data in the process.

# replace({uri,params})

This method redirects the user to an in-app page, removing the current page from the page stack.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • uri (string). Mandatory attribute with the target URI, which supports the following formats:
    • An absolute in-app page path (e.g., /about).
    • a relative in-app page path (e.g., about).
    • /. If there is no any page with the path /, the home page is used by default.
    • hap://settings/permission_manager to access the permission management page of a quick app.
    • hap://settings/location_source_manager: The system loads the location management page. -params (object). Optional attribute with the data to be passed during the redirection. The target page will be able to access the parameters directly as a member of its instance (e.g., this.param1, where param1 is the name of the parameter name defined in the JSON object. The value of param1 will be converted into a string.


  uri: '/test' 
  params: { testId:'1' } 


Data passed during the page redirection can be accessed by other apps. Be careful with when you share sensitive data in the process.

# back({path,delta})

This method redirects the user back to a previous page in the history.

# Arguments

If no parameter is specified, the system returns to the previous page (the effect is similar to tapping the back button on a smartphone).

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • path (string). Optional attribute with the path of a page. The options are as follows:
    • If this parameter is not set and delta is specified, the system will load the page corresponding to delta. If delta is not set either, the system will load the previous page with the same result as router.back().
    • When this parameter is set to an absolute in-app page (e.g., /about), the router loads that page.
    • If the page specified by path doesn't exist in the app, go back to the previous page.
  • delta (number). Optional attribute with location of the page in the page stack to be loaded. The value by default is 1 (the previous page in the history). If the value of delta is greater than the number of existing pages, the system will load the home page. If both path and delta are specified, path will be used.


The path parameter cannot specify a page in other apps.


// A user on page A will be routed to the specified page. 
    uri: 'B' 
// A user on page B will be routed to the specified page. 
    uri: 'C' 
// A user on page C will be routed to the specified page. 
    uri: 'D' 
// A user on page D will be routed to the specified page. 
    uri: 'E' 
// No page is passed so a user on page E will go back to page D. 
// No page is passed so a user on page D will go back to page C. 
// /A is passed so a user on page C will go back to page A. 
    path: '/A' 

# clear()

This method clears all the pages in the page stack, keeping in the history only the current page.



# getLength()

This method gets the number of pages in the current page stack (length of the history).

# Return

This method returns a string with the number of the pages.


let length= router.getLength()

# getPages()

This method returns the list with the current page stack (the history).

# Return

This method returns an array of object with the stack of pages. Each object will contain the following members:

  • name: a string with the name of the page.
  • path: a string with the path of the page.


// With two pages in the stack

Showing the following message:


# getState()

This method gets the status of the current page.

# Return

This method returns an object with information about the state of the page, including:

  • index (string) with the position of the current page in the stack.
  • name (string) with the name of the current page.
  • path (string) with the path of the current page.



Showing the following message on the console:
