# File Management

Local file system management.

# Manifest Declaration

You need to declare the use of this API in the manifest's features member:

{"name": "system.file"}

# Module Import

Before using this service in a component, you need to import the module in the script section of the UX document.

import file from '@system.file' 


let file = require("@system.file")

# Methods

This service has the following methods:

# move({srcUri,dstUri,success,fail,complete})

This method moves a source file to a specified location.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • srcUri (string). Mandatory attribute with the URI of the source file. It cannot be a path of an app resource or a temporary resource. Read more about references and URIs.
  • dstUri (string). Mandatory attribute with the URI of the target file. It cannot be a path of an app resource or a temporary resource. Read more about references and URIs.
  • success (function(uri)). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution. The function has uri (string) as an agument with the destination URI.
  • fail (function(msg,code)). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution. The possible codes are:
    • 202: Invalid parameter.
    • 300: I/O error.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


  srcUri: "internal://cache/path/to/file", 
  dstUri: "internal://files/path/to/file", 
  success: function(uri) { 
    console.log("move success: " + uri); 
  fail: function(data, code) { 
    console.log("handling fail, code=" + code); 

# copy({srcUri,dstUri,success,fail,complete})

This method copies a source file into a specified location.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • srcUri (string). Mandatory attribute with the URI of the source file. It cannot be a path of an app resource or a temporary resource. Read more about references and URIs.
  • dstUri (string). Mandatory attribute with the URI of the target file. It cannot be a path of an app resource or a temporary resource. Read more about references and URIs.
  • success (function(uri)). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution. The function has uri (string) as an argument with the destination URI.
  • fail (function(msg,code)). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution. The possible codes are:
    • 202: Invalid parameter.
    • 300: I/O error.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


  srcUri: "internal://cache/path/to/file", 
  dstUri: "internal://files/path/to/file", 
  success: function(uri) { 
    console.log("copy success: " + uri); 
  fail: function(data, code) { 
    console.log("handling fail, code=" + code); 

# list({uri,success,fail,complete})

This method gets a list of files in a specific directory.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • uri (string). Mandatory attribute with the URI of the directory. Read more about references and URIs.
  • success (function(res)). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution. The function has an object as an argument with a unique member fileList, an array of objects with the following members:
    • uri (string). File URI, which can be accessed by other components or services. Read more about references and URIs.
    • length (number). File size, in bytes.
    • lastModifiedTime (number). Timestamp for file storage, which is the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT.
  • fail (function(msg,code)). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution. The possible codes are:
    • 202: Invalid parameter.
    • 300: I/O error.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


  uri: "internal://files/movies/" 
  success: function(data) { 
  fail: function(data, code) { 
    console.log("handling fail, code=" + code); 

# get({uri,recursive,success,fail,complete})

This method gets information about a specific local file.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • uri (string). Mandatory attribute with the URI of the file. Read more about references and URIs.
  • recursive (boolean). Optional attribute that indicates if the method must get information about the list in a subdirectory (false by default).
  • success (function(res)). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution. The function has an object as an argument with a unique member fileList, an array of objects with the following members:
    • uri (string). File URI, which can be accessed by other components or services. Read more about references and URIs.
    • length (number). File size, in bytes.
    • lastModifiedTime (number). Timestamp for file storage, which is the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT.
    • type (string). File type (dir for directory and file for file).
    • subFiles (array). File list. When recursive is set to true and type is set to dir, the file information in the subdirectory will be recursively returned. Otherwise, no value will be returned.
  • fail (function(msg,code)). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution. The possible codes are:
    • 202: Invalid parameter.
    • 300: I/O error.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


// get a file
  uri: "internal://cache/test/hey1.txt" 
  success: function(data) { 
    // {"lastModifiedTime":1637239299000,"length":103,"type":"file","uri":"internal://cache/test/hey1.txt"}
  fail: function(data, code) { 
    console.log("handling fail, code=" + code); 

// get a directory
  uri: "internal://cache/test",
  recursive: true,
  success: function(data) { 
    // {"subFiles":[{"lastModifiedTime":1637237898000,"length":10,"type":"file","uri":"internal://cache/test/h1.txt"},{"lastModifiedTime":1637238055000,"length":3,"type":"file","uri":"internal://cache/test/h2.txt"},{"lastModifiedTime":1637239430000,"length":2,"type":"file","uri":"internal://cache/test/hey1.txt"}],"lastModifiedTime":1637239430000,"length":15,"type":"dir","uri":"internal://cache/test"}
  fail: function(data, code) { 
    console.log("handling fail, code=" + code); 

# delete({uri,success,fail,complete})

This method deletes a specific local file.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • uri (string). Mandatory attribute with the URI of the file. Read more about references and URIs.
  • success (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution.
  • fail (function(msg,code)). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution. The possible codes are:
    • 202: Invalid parameter.
    • 300: I/O error.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


  uri: 'internal://files/path/to/file', 
  success: function(data) { 
    console.log("handling success"); 
  fail: function(data, code) { 
    console.log("handling fail, code=" + code); 

# writeText({uri,text,encoding,append,success,fail,complete})

This method writes text into a specific local file.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • uri (string). Mandatory attribute with the URI of the local file. Read more about references and URIs.
  • text (string). Mandatory attribute with the text to be written into the local file.
  • encoding (string). Mandatory attribute with the encoding format (UTF-8 by default).
  • append (boolean) (false by default) Optional attribute that specifies if the text will be appended to the file if it exists.
  • success (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution.
  • fail (function(msg,code)). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution. The possible codes are:
    • 202: Invalid parameter.
    • 300: I/O error.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


    uri: 'internal://cache/test/test.txt', 
    text: 'This is the text to test the method', 
    encoding: 'UTF-8', 
    success: function() { 
    fail: function(errmsg, errcode) { 
        console.log('failed ' + errmsg+' errcode = '+errcode); 

# writeArrayBuffer({uri,buffer,position,append,success,fail,complete})

This method writes content into a buffer.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • uri (string). Mandatory attribute with the URI of the local file. Read more about references and URIs.
  • buffer (Uint8Array). Mandatory attribute with the content to be written into the local file.
  • position (number). Optional attribute with the position of the buffer where the writing starts. If the value of position exceeds the length of the file, the file will be extended to the length required by position. The value by default is 0.
  • append (boolean) (false by default) Optional attribute that specifies if the text will be appended to the file if it exists.
  • success (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution.
  • fail (function(msg,code)). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution. The possible codes are:
    • 202: Invalid parameter.
    • 300: I/O error.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


    uri: 'internal://cache/test/test1.txt', 
    buffer: uint8array, 
    position: 0, 
    success: function() { 
        console.log('success '); 
    fail: function(errmsg, errcode) { 
        console.log('failed ' + errmsg+' errcode = '+errcode); 

# readArrayBuffer({uri,position,length,success,fail,complete})

This method reads a file content into a buffer.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • uri (string). Mandatory attribute with the URI of the local file. Read more about references and URIs.
  • position (number). Optional attribute with the position to start reading. The value by default is 0.
  • length (number). Optional attribute that specifies if the length of the content to be read. All content of the file will be read by default.
  • success (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution. This function has an argument, an object that have the following member:
    • buffer (Uint8Array). Buffer that contains the content of the file.
  • fail (function(msg,code)). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution. The possible codes are:
    • 202: Invalid parameter.
    • 300: I/O error.
    • 301: The file does not exist.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


    uri: 'internal://cache/test/test1.txt', 
    length: 3, 
    success: function(data) { 
        console.log("data buffer  = "+data.buffer) 
    fail: function(errmsg, errcode) { 
        console.log('failed ' + errmsg+' errcode = '+errcode); 

# readText({uri,encoding,success,fail,complete})

This method reads the text from a local file.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • uri (string). Mandatory attribute with the URI of the local file. Read more about references and URIs.
  • encoding (string). Mandatory attribute with the encoding format (UTF-8 by default).
  • success (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution. This function has an argument, an object that have the following member:
    • text (string). Mandatory attribute with the text of the local file.
  • fail (function(msg,code)). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution. The possible codes are:
    • 202: Invalid parameter.
    • 300: I/O error.
    • 301: The file does not exist.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


    uri: 'internal://cache/test/test.txt', 
    encoding: 'UTF-8', 
    success: function(data) { 
        console.log('success data.text = '+data.text); 
    fail: function(errmsg, errcode) { 
        console.log('failed ' + errmsg+' errcode = '+errcode); 

# access({uri,success,fail,complete})

This method checks if a local file or directory exists.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • uri (string). Mandatory attribute with the URI of the local file (not a temporary file or an app resource). Read more about references and URIs.
  • success (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution.
  • fail (function(msg,code)). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution. The possible codes are:
    • 202: Invalid parameter.
    • 300: I/O error.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


  uri: 'internal://files/test', 
  success: function () { 
    console.log('handling success') 
  fail: function (data, code) { 
    console.log(`handling fail, code `) 

# mkdir({uri,recursive,success,fail,complete})

This method creates local directories.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • uri (string). Mandatory attribute with the URI of the local directory.
  • recursive (boolean). Optional attribute that indicates if the system must create the parent directories if they don't exist. The default value is false.
  • success (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution.
  • fail (function(msg,code)). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution. The possible codes are:
    • 202: Invalid parameter.
    • 300: I/O error.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


  uri: 'internal://files/dir/', 
  success: function () { 
    console.log('handling success') 
  fail: function (data, code) { 
    console.log(`handling fail`) 

# rmdir({uri,recursive,success,fail,complete})

This method removes a local directory.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • uri (string). Mandatory attribute with the URI of the local directory.
  • recursive (boolean). Optional attribute that indicates if the system must delete also the sub-directories recursively. The default value is false.
  • success (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution.
  • fail (function(msg,code)). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution. The possible codes are:
    • 202: Invalid parameter.
    • 300: I/O error.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


  uri: 'internal://files/dir/', 
  success: function () { 
    console.log('handling success') 
  fail: function (data, code) { 
    console.log(`handling fail`) 

# copyFileToPublicDir({srcPath,destPath,success,fail,complete})

This method copies a in-app file to a public system directory in the device.

Permissions required

This method requires users to grant the access to the local storage.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • srcPath (string). Mandatory attribute with the local path of the source file.
  • destPath (string). Mandatory attribute with the the path of the target file, in the format external://DIRECTORY_TYPE/xxx/yyy.zzz (e.g., external://DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS/test/test.pdf). The options for DIRECTORY_TYPE are: DIRECTORY_MUSIC, DIRECTORY_PICTURES, DIRECTORY_MOVIES, DIRECTORY_DCIM, DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS.
  • success (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution.
  • fail (function(msg,code)). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution. The possible codes are:
    • 200: General error.
    • 202: Invalid parameter.
    • 300: I/O error.
    • 302: A file already exists.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


    srcPath: '/Common/test.mp3', 
    destPath: 'external://DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS/test.mp3', 
    success: function (ret) { 
      console.log("copy success: " + ret); 
    fail: function (data, code) {           
      console.log("handling fail, code=" + code)        