# Canvas

Manipulation of canvas elements for drawings.

# Declaration

You don't need to declare the use of this service in the manifest` or import it from your scripts. Canvas is part of the built-in elements implemented by the quick app platform.

You can access a drawing context using the getContext() (only the 2d dimension is supported) method on the canvas element, method that returns a rendering object with the following methods and attributes.


const canvasComponent = this.$element(canvasId) 
const canvas = canvasComponent.getContext("2d")

# Attributes

A rendering object has the following attributes:

  • fillStyle (<color>|<gradient><pattern>). Sets the fill style.
  • strokeStyle (<color>|<gradient><pattern>). Sets the stroke style.
  • lineWidth (number). A number specifying the line width, in pixels.
  • lineCap (number). Line end style. The options are butt (default), round, and square.
  • lineJoin (string). Style of the intersection point of lines. The options are bevel, round, and miter (default).
  • miterLimit (number). Maximum miter length.
  • font-style (string). Font style. The options are normal, italic, and oblique.
  • font-weight (string). Font weight. The options are normal and bold.
  • font-family (string). Font family. The options are sans-serif, serif, and monospace.
  • font-size (string). Font size, in pixels.
  • textAlign (string). Text alignment mode. The options are left, center, right, start (default), and end.
  • textBaseline (string). Text alignment mode in the horizontal direction. The options are top, bottom, middle, hanging, alphabetic (default), and ideographic.
  • globalAlpha (number). Global alpha value of a canvas (from 0 or transparent to 1, opaque).
  • globalCompositeOperation (string). Indicates how to draw the overlapped part when an image is placed on another. The options are source-over (default), source-atop, source-in, source-out, destination-over, destination-atop, destination-in, destination-out, lighter, copy, and xor. If this attribute is set, PDF canvas drawing with anti-aliasing is not supported.
  • lineDashOffset (number). Dash line offset. The default value is 0.
  • shadowOffsetX (number). Horizontal shadow offset against the drawn object. The value by default is 0.
  • shadowOffsetY (number). Vertical shadow offset against the drawn object. The default value is 0.
  • shadowBlur (number). Level of shadow blur. The default value 0 represents no blur and larger numbers represent increasingly more blur.
  • shadowColor (string). Shadow color. The default value is black.

# Methods

Any element support the following method:

# toTempFilePath({options})

Exports the content of a specified area of the current canvas to an image.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes specifying the options:

  • x (number). Horizontal coordinates of the specified canvas area (0 by default).
  • y (number). Vertical coordinate of the specified canvas area (0 by default).
  • width (number). Width of the specified canvas area (by default: widthx).
  • height (number). Height of the specified canvas area (by default: heighty)..
  • destWidth (number). Width of the generated image (by default: width x screen pixel density).
  • destHeight (number). Height of the generated image (by default: height x screen pixel density).
  • fileType (string). Format of the generated image, png (by default) or jpg.
  • quality (number). Image quality, valid for JPG images (values between 0 and 1.
  • success (function(res)). Optional callback function corresponding to the successful execution. The function has an object argument with the following member:
    • uri (string). Path of the generated image.
  • fail (function). Optional callback function corresponding to a failed execution.
  • complete (function). Optional callback function corresponding to the end of the execution.


this.message = "drawfillStyleforcreatePattern"; 
var test = this.$element("45Canvas"); 
var ctx = test.getContext("2d"); 
console.log("ctx.fillStyle 555 >> " + ctx.fillStyle); 
var img = new Image(); 
img.src = "https://www.example.org/logo.png"; 
img.onload = () => { 
    console.log("Image load success."); 
    var pat = ctx.createPattern(img, "repeat"); 
    ctx.rect(0, 0, 500, 200); 
    ctx.fillStyle = pat; 
    console.log("ctx.fillStyle 666 >> " + ctx.fillStyle); 
        x: 0, 
        y: 0, 
        width: 500, 
        height: 200, 
        destWidth: 500, 
        destHeight: 200, 
        success: (data) => { 
            this.imageSrc = data.uri; 
            console.log(`Canvas toTempFilePath success ${data.uri}`) 
            console.log(`Canvas toTempFilePath success ${data.tempFilePath}`) 
        fail: (data) => { 
            console.log('Canvas toTempFilePath data ='+data); 
        complete: () => { 
            console.log('Canvas toTempFilePath complete.'); 
img.onerror = function () { 
    console.log("Image load fail."); 