# App Context

Information about the quick app.

# Manifest Declaration

This service does not need to be declared in the manifest's features member.

# Module Import

Before using this service in a component, you need to import the module in the script section of the UX document.

import app from '@system.app' 


let app = require("@system.app")

# Methods

This service has the following methods:

# getInfo()

Get information about the current app.

# Arguments

This method does not have arguments.

# Return

This method returns a JSON object with the following members:

  • name (string): The name of the current app.
  • versionName (string): Version of the app.
  • versionCode (number): Version code of the app.
  • logLevel (string): Logging level of the app.
  • source (object): Origin of the app launch. This object includes the following attributes:
    • packageName (string): Package name of app (e.g., org.example.myapp).
    • type (string): How the app was launched. The options are:
      • shortcut: shortcut icon
      • push: push notification
      • url: web page
      • barcode: QR code scanning
      • nfc: access through NFC
      • bluetooth: access through Bluetooth
      • other: others
  • icon (string): Path of the icon configured in the manifest (e.g., /common/logo.png).
  • packageName (string). Package name of the app.
  • extra (object): Additional information about the origin, which varies depending on the type:
    • if type is shortcut, values of extra could be:
      • scene: the shortcut creation scenario. The value can be: dialog (created by the internal policy), api (created by calling an API), web (created when the traffic is switched from an HTML5 page), or other.
      • original: original source for shortcut creation.


The values of source may be unknown during the developing and testing phase.


console.log("App getInfo:"+ JSON.stringify(app.getInfo()));

With the following output:

    "logLevel": "log",
    "name": "My First Quick App",

# getPackageInfo({packageName,success,fail,complete})

Get information about a local app.

In a quick app scenario, this API gets information about local native apps and quick apps installed in the device. In a widget scenario, this API can obtain only information about a native app.

# Arguments

This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • packageName (string). Mandatory attribute that contains the package name of the quick app or native app.
  • success (function(res)). Optional callback function for success, with an object as argument, that contains the following attributes:
    • versionName (string): Version of the app.
    • versionCode (number): Code version of the app.
    • signatures (array<string>): List of the app signatures, related to the data publisher (encrypted using SHA-256).
  • fail (function(code)). Optional callback function for failure, with the following potential values:
    • 200: Common error.
    • 202: Invalid parameter.
    • 1000: App not installed.
  • complete (function()). Optional callback function for completion.


  import app from '@system.app' 
  export default {
    onReady () {
          success(data) {
            console.log(`sucess: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`)
          fail(errorMsg, errorCode) {
            console.log(`error: ${errorMsg}`)
          complete: () {

With the following output:

sucess: {"versionName":"1.0.7","versionCode":107,"signatures":["48d5d7956a0a26b4d32sASb55652ae50bbe20ad640df72440bc5ecd0e"]}