# App Configuration

Management of app configuration (locale, date, screen orientation).

# Manifest Declaration

You need to declare the use of this API in the manifest's features member:

{"name": "system.configuration"}

# Module Import

Before using this service in a component, you need to import the module in the script section of the UX document.

import configuration from '@system.configuration' 


let configuration = require("@system.configuration")

# Methods

This service has the following methods:

# getLocale()

Method that obtains the current locale of the app. It uses the system's locale by default.


This method doesn't have arguments


This method returns an object with the following members:

  • language (string). The language.
  • countryOrRegion (string). Country or region.


const locale = configuration.getLocale() 

# setLocale({language,countryOrRegion})

Method that sets the locale of the app.

After the execution of the method, the app changes to the new language and triggers the onConfigurationChanged() lifecycle method. When the system language changes or a user opens the app again, the language is reset to the system language by default.

The request sent by the web element and Fetch API contains the Accept-Language HTTP header with the value of the locale.


This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • language (string). The language.
  • countryOrRegion (string). Country or region.


    "language": "en", 
    "countryOrRegion": "US" 

# getLayoutDirection()

Method that gets the writing direction of the system.


This method doesn't have arguments.


This method returns an object with the following members:

  • ltr (string). Left-to-right.
  • rtl (string). Right-to-left.


const dir = configuration.getLayoutDirection() 

# setScreenOrientation({orientation,success,fail,complete})

Method that sets the screen orientation.


This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • orientation (string). Mandatory attribute with the screen orientation. The options are portrait, landscape, and auto.
  • success (function()). Optional callback function for success.
  • fail (function()). Optional callback function for failure.
  • complete (function()). Optional callback function on completion, regardless success or failure of the call.


    success:function (data) { 
        console.log('result:' + data); // success 
    fail:function () { 


After the screen rotation, the screen width may change. As a result, the actual display is inconsistent even if you set the same size. If your app changes the screen orientation, you should use responsive layout for a better user experience.

# formatDateAndTime({timeStamp,flag,success,fail,complete})

Method that gets a timestamp (date and time) in a string based on the current system locale and format settings.


This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • timeStamp (number). Mandatory attribute with the timestamp to format.
  • flag (number). Mandatory attribute with the format options. You can specify multiple formats using pipe characters (|). For example, to display the weekday, hour, and minute, you can set flag to 0x00001 | 0x00002. Common options are as follows:
    • 0x00001: hour and minute, for example, 02:16 pm.
    • 0x00002: weekday, for example, Friday.
    • 0x00004: year. If this option is included, the year is always displayed.
    • 0x00010: month and date.
    • 0x00020: month.
  • success (function(res)). Optional callback function for success.
    • res.dateStr (string) Timestamp in the string format.
  • fail (function()). Optional callback function for failure.
  • complete (function()). Optional callback function on completion, regardless success or failure of the call.

Usage of `flag`

For more options of the flag parameters, check the Java DateUtils (opens new window) reference.


const date = Date.now() 
    timeStamp: date, 
    flag: 0x00001 | 0x00002 , 
    success: function(ret){ 
        console.log(`dateStr= ${ret.dateStr }`) 

# simpleFormatDate({format})

Method that gets a timestamp (date) in a string based on the current system locale and format settings.


This method requires an object with the following attributes:

  • timeStamp (number). Mandatory attribute with the timestamp.
  • format (string). Mandatory attribute with the format of the time.
  • success (function(res)). Optional callback function for success.
    • res.dateStr (string) Timestamp in the string format.
  • fail (function()). Optional callback function for failure.
  • complete (function()). Optional callback function on completion, regardless success or failure of the call.


const date = Date.now() 
    timeStamp: date, 
    format:"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss", 
    success: function(ret){ 
        console.log(`dateStr= ${ret.dateStr }`) 