# Scripting

UX documents include a specific <script> section to define the business logic, data and managing the lifecycle events of components, pages and apps.

Scripts on the quick app framework support the standard ES2015 (ES6) (opens new window) JavaScript syntax. Components and pages defines variables and methods within the .ux documents, exporting them to be able to reuse from other components and pages.

    <text onclick="changeText">{{myDescription}}</text> 
    export default { 
      private: { 
        myDescription: "Hello!"
      changeText(e) {
        // After clicking on "Hello!", text will be changed
        this.myDescription = "Bye!"

# Import and Export Modules

Quick apps components and services are based on JavaScript modules. We can distribute modules and their members in different files using export and import declarations (export and import keywords).

You can import specific functions from modules using import, following the syntax:

import the_member_to_import from "file_path"

For instance, using local scripting files:

import utils from '../Common/utils.js'

Also, you can import scoped packages to use the built-in services and APIs. For instance:

import fetch from "@system.fetch"

If you can import a full module:

import system from "@system"

# Data Properties

::: The quick app framework uses the $ prefix when exposing its own built-in data and APIs via the component instances. It also reserves the prefix _ for internal properties. This is why you should avoid using names for top-level data properties that start with either of these characters. :::

# Component Instance Properties

Quick apps may access the following variables from any page or component of the app.

Property Type Description
$app object Object with information about the app (see its properties).
$page object Object with information about the current page (see its properties).
$valid boolean Flag that indicates whether a component is valid.
$visible boolean Flag that indicates whether a page is visible to users or not.

# $app

Property Type Description
$def object Access to the objects exposed in the app.ux file (you can access it from any component using this.$app.$def).
$data object Access to global data specified in the config.data section of the manifest. (you can access it from any component using this.$app.$data)

# $page

You can access other properties related to the current page,

For instance:


Produces this output on the console:


# Page Properties

Quick app pages declare the following properties:

Property Type Description
private object Private data model of a page. This object contains variables that are only accessible under the scope of the current page.
protected object Protected data model of a page. This object contains variables that only can be modified by parameters distributed during the page redirection within the current app.
public object Public data model of a page. This object can be modified from an external page, using URL parameters.
props array Public properties of a page. This variable is a list of public arguments of the page that is visible externally. Values for these properties can be passed to a page instance using <component my-argument='value'>. Names of the properties cannot start with a dollar sign ($) or an underscore (_) character, and must be in lowercase. Names cannot contain the reserved terms for, if, show, and tid. These public properties cannot be functions.
computed object Computed properties for reactivity and complex calculations. Names of the object members cannot start with a dollar sign ($) or an underscore (_)character, or contain the reserved terms for, if, show, and tid.
data (deprecated) object or function Data of a page which can be converted into a JSON object. data attribute names cannot start with a dollar sign ($) or an underscore (_) character, and cannot be the same of the element attributes for, if, show, or tid. If data is a function it must return an object and the data variable will be set to the function return value during the page initialization. data is deprecated. You should use the attribute public instead. The data attribute cannot coexist with the private, protected, and public attributes.

# Custom Components Properties

You can use the following properties on the instances of custom components.

Member Type Description
data object or function Data model of the custom component, which can be converted into a JSON object. Names of the object members cannot start with a dollar sign ($) or an underscore (_), or contain the reserved terms for, if, show, and tid. If the type of data is a function, its return value must be an object and the value of data will be set to the returned value during the page initialization.
props array or object Public argument list used to define the component (visible externally). You can pass the properties when declaring the component using attributes on the element (e.g., <component property='value'>). Names of the properties cannot start with a dollar sign ($) or an underscore (_) character, and must be in lowercase. Names cannot contain the reserved terms for, if, show, and tid. Properties cannot be functions.
computed object Computed properties for reactivity and complex calculations. Names of the object members cannot start with a dollar sign ($) or an underscore (_)character, or contain the reserved terms for, if, show, and tid.

Example of props definition:

    props: { 
        // a must be a number. 
        a: Number, 
        // You can also do verifications 
        b: { 
            type: Number,       // Check the type 
            default: 0,         // Add default value 
            required: true,     // This is a mandatory attribute 
            validator: function (value) {  // A complex validation 
                // The value must match one of the following character strings: 
                return ['success', 'warning', 'danger'].indexOf(value) !== -1 

# Computed Properties

Computed properties let you declare complex logic in functions that includes reactive data.

Methods and properties have the same end result, but computed properties are cached based on their reactive dependencies. A computed property will only re-evaluate when some of its reactive dependencies have changed.

Computed properties are by default getter-only, but you can also provide a setter when you need it:

  export default {
    private: { 
      firstName: 'Quick', 
      lastName: 'App' 
    computed: {
      fullName: {
        // getter
        get() {
          return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`
        // setter
        set(newValue) {
          const names = newValue.split(' ')
          this.firstName = names[0]
          this.lastName = names[names.length - 1]
    onReady () { 
        console.log(this.fullName)  // Quick App 
        this.fullName = 'John Doe' 
        console.log(this.firstName) // John 
        console.log(this.lastName)  // Doe 

# Built-in Methods

# Data Properties Management

Method Type Parameter(s) Description
$set function key (string), value (any) Adds a data property. You must use this method in the onInit function (e.g., this.$set('key',value)).
$delete function key (string) Removes a data property with the key specified. You must use this method in the onInit function (e.g., this.$delete('key')).

# Public Methods

Method Type Parameter(s) Description
$element function id (string) This method gets the DOM object of the element with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, the method returns the DOM object of the root element of the component.
$root function N/A This method gets the root component instance of the current component. If the current component instance has no parents this value will be itself.
$parent function N/A This method gets the parent ViewModel instance, if the current component instance has one.
$child function id (string) This method gets the ViewModel object of a child custom component identified with that ID.
$rootElement (Deprecated) function N/A This method gets the DOM object of the root element. This method is deprecated, use this.$element() instead.
$vm (deprecated) function id (string) This method gets the ViewModel of a custom element with the specified ID. This method is deprecated, use this.$element(id) instead.
$forceUpdate function N/A This method forces the component instance to re-render. Note it does not affect all child components, only the instance itself and child components with inserted slot content.
getApp function N/A This method gets information about the app (information in the $app property).

# Component Instance Methods

Method Type Parameter(s) Description
$on function event-name (string) , handler (function) This method binds an event handler to an event-name event on the current element (e.g., this.$on('click', this.clickHandler), where clickHandler is a method defined within the component scope.
$off function event-name (string) , handler (function) This method removes the listener on an event handler (e.g., this.$off('click')).
$dispatch function event-name (string) This method propagates event notifications to the parent element (e.g., this.$dispatch('click'). Event notifications are sent to the parent element until event.stop() is called in the event handler.
$broadcast function event-name (string) This method propagates event notifications to the children elements (e.g.,this.$broadcast('click'). Event notifications are sent to the children nodes until event.stop() is called in the event handler.
$emit function event-name (string), data (object) This method triggers an event with the parameters specified (e.g., this.$emit('click'), this.$emit('click', {identifier: 1}). The parameters can be accessed through event.detail in the event handler method (e.g., event.detail.identifier).
$emitElement function event-name (string), data (object), id (string) Triggers an event on the specified element (identified by the id parameter, or -1 by default that indicates the root element). The parameters passed as parameters may be accessed through event.detail in the handler method (e.g., event.detail.identifier).
$watch function property-name (string) This method watches a reactive property or a computed function on the component instance for changes. The callback gets called with the new value and the old value for the given property. We can only pass top-level data, props, or computed property name as a string (e.g., this.$watch('a','handler')).

# $app Methods

The following method can be accessed through the $app property.

Method Type Parameter(s) Description
exit function N/A This method closes the quick app and ends the app lifecycle. The system triggers the destroy events on the page component and on the app.

# $page Methods

The following method can be accessed through the $page property.

Method Type Parameter(s) Description
setTitleBar function options ({ text: string, textColor: string, backgroundColor: string, backgroundOpacity: number, menu: boolean } This methods configures the title bar of the current page with the optional attributes of the options (e.g., this.$page.setTitleBar({text:'Hello', textColor:'#FF0000', backgroundColor:'#FFFFFF',backgroundOpacity :0.5,menu: false}).
name function - This method gets the name of the current page from the manifest (e.g., this.$page.name).
component function - This method gets the name of the current page component from the manifest (e.g.,this.$page.component).
path function - This method gets the path of the current page from the manifest (e.g., this.$page.path).
finish function - Ends the execution of current page and terminates the page lifecycle, calling the destroy event of the page.
orientation function - This method gets the orientation of the current page defined in the manifest (e.g. this.$page.orientation).
statusBarHeight function - This method gets the height of the status bar (e.g., this.$page.statusBarHeight).
windowHeight function - This method gets the viewport height of the current page (e.g., this.$page.windowHeight).
windowWidth function - This method gets the viewport width of the current page (e.g., this.$page.windowWidth).
setStatusBar function options ({ immersive: boolean, textStyle: string, backgroundColor: string, backgroundOpacity: number }) This methods configures the status bar of the current page with the optional attributes of the options (e.g., this.$page.setStatusBar({immersive:true, textStyle:'dark', backgroundColor:'#FFFFFF', backgroundOpacity:0.5})).
exitFullscreen function - Exits the full-screen mode.
query function - This method gets an object with the querystring parameters passed by the router after opening a page (e.g., this.$page.query).
scrollBy function options ({ top: number, behavior: string}) This method scrolls a page by the specified vertical offset (e.g., this.$page.scrollBy({top:500, behavior:"smooth"})). This method takes effect only when the page is displayed (after show event).
scrollTo function options ({ top: number, behavior: string}) This method scrolls to a specified position on the page (e.g., this.$page.scrollTo({top:0, behavior:"smooth"})).
setSecure function enable-secure (boolean) This method sets a flag to configure the system to prevent screen captures (e.g., this.$page.setSecure(true/false)).