# Manifest

Every quick app contains a manifest.json document in its root directory. This JSON file contains metadata relative to the app, like textual and graphical descriptions, technical information, including versioning, platform requirements, API and permissions required, and routing.

Example of a quick app manifest:

  "package": "org.example.myquickapp",
  "name": "My First Quick App",
  "icon": "/Common/icon.png",
  "versionName": "1.0",
  "versionCode": 1,
  "minPlatformVersion": 1000,
  "features": [
      "name": "system.geolocation"
  "permissionDesc": [ 
      "name": "ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION", 
      "desc": "We need your position to suggest the nearest place." 
  "config": {
    "logLevel": "info"
  "router": {
    "entry": "Hello",
    "pages": {
      "Hello": {
        "component": "hello",
        "path": "/",
        "filter": {
          "view": {
            "uri": "https?://.*"
  "display": {
    "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
    "fullScreen": false,
    "titleBar": true,
    "titleBarBackgroundColor": "#000000",
    "statusBarImmersive": true,
    "statusBarTextStyle": "auto",
    "statusBarBackgroundColor": "#ffffff",
    "pages": {
      "Hello": {
        "backgroundColor": "#eeeeee",
        "fullScreen": true,
        "titleBarBackgroundColor": "#0000ff",
        "titleBarText": "Hello"
  "subpackages": [
      "name": "pkgA",
      "resource": "PackageA"
      "name": "pkgB",
      "resource": "PackageB"
  "trustedSslDomains": [

The quick app manifest is a JSON document with mandatory and optional members that serve to configure and describe the app.

The manifest may contain the following members:

# package

Package identifier

  • Type: string
  • Value by default: N/A
  • Required: yes

Values for the package identifier may contain 255 alphanumeric characters, including period (.) and underscore (_) characters.

Values must always start with an alphabetic character. The last character cannot be a period (.) character that is usually used to separate the entities to identify the developer or the publisher of the application, following the structure xxx.domain.project.

  "package": "org.example.myquickapp"

# name

Name of the app

  • Type: string
  • Value by default: N/A
  • Required: yes

This member represents the app's title, and it is usually displayed by the device's system on the home screen and in notifications. Marketplaces also show it to the users as a human-readable identifier for the application.

This member supports internationalization, by referring to a concrete localization variable. For instance, "name":"${message.appname}" .

  "name": "My First Quick App"


Complex localization operations are not supported, like the following examples:

  • Combination of static and internationalized strings. (Wrong) example: "name":"Quick app example${message.appname}".
  • Combination of multiple internationalized variables. (Wrong) example: "name":"${message.appname1}${message.appname2}".

# icon

Icon of the app

  • Type: string
  • Value by default: N/A
  • Required: yes

Icons are used by device systems to represent the app along with the name. Marketplaces use icons to display the apps on their app catalogs.

  "icon": "/Common/icon.png"

# versionName

Human-readable version

  • Type: string
  • Value by default: N/A
  • Required: no

a human-readable version of the app. The recommended format is X.Y.Z, where X, Y, and Z are non-negative integer values (e.g., 1.10.0), as specified in the Semantic Versioning (opens new window) specification.

  "versionName": "1.0"

# versionCode

Internal version code

  • Type: integer
  • Value by default: N/A
  • Required: yes

Numeric app version identifier. This member supports non-negative integers and usually refers to correlative incremental codes, starting at version 1.

  "versionCode": 1

# minPlatformVersion

Minimum platform (engine) required

  • Type: integer
  • Value by default: 1000
  • Required: yes

Minimum supported version of the quick app engine. This member includes a non-negative integer that indicates the minimum version of the engine to ensure the correct operation of a quick app.

The minimum version guarantees the availability and compatibility of the native APIs and services used by the app.

  "minPlatformVersion": 1000

# features

List of features and services

  • Type: array
  • Value by default: N/A
  • Required: no

List of permissions required by the app. The APIs used during the execution of a quick app must be declared in advance using this member. This member contains an array of objects. Each object must have a name member, whose value represents the service, using the corresponding identifiers (see API reference).

  "features": [
      "name": "system.app" 
      "name": "system.network" 

# permissionDesc

Permission description

  • Type: array
  • Value by default: N/A
  • Required: no

The rationale for requesting the permissions in the features member. This member is used to inform users about the purpose of the privilege requests when the system prompts the authorization dialogs.

The value of the permissionDesc member is an array of objects with a list of system privileges to be requested by the app and the rationale behind these requests shown to the end-users.

This member is an array of objects that contain two members:

  • name, to specify the concrete permission to be requested using the following reserved strings:
    • CAMERA,
  • desc with a descriptive text with the information (supporting the internationalization of the values).


Complex localization operations are not supported, like the following examples:

  • Concatenation of a string and an internationalization variable. (Wrong) example: "desc": "The reason is ${message.permissionDesc}".
  • Concatenation of an internationalization variables. (Wrong) example: desc": "${message.permissionDesc}${message.permissionDesc1}".
  • Accessing a JSON element without using the dot (.) notation. (Wrong) example: "desc": "The reason is: ${message['permissionDesc']}".
  "permissionDesc": [ 
      "name": "ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION", 
      "desc": "This sample is used to demonstrate the capability of obtaining the geographical location. You need to grant the relevant permission." 
      "name": "RECORD_AUDIO", 
      "desc": "${message.permissionDesc}" 
Prompt asking for permission to use geolocation services of a device

# config

Configuration of the system

  • Type: object
  • Value by default: N/A
  • Required: yes

This member is an object that includes global setup variables and data for the app.

The config object supports the following members:

# logLevel

Logging level

  • Type: string
  • Value by default: log

The value of this member defines the logging level during the execution of the app.

The options allowed are:

  • off,
  • error,
  • warn,
  • info,
  • log (default), and
  • debug.
  "config": {
    "logLevel": "info"

# designWidth

Reference design width of the viewport

  • Type: string or integer
  • Value by default: 750

Width of reference for the page design. The value of this member includes the width of reference that will be used to scale the in-app components size and adjust them to specific designs.

The value must be either a non-negative integer that represents the width of the visual viewport in dp (density pixels) units or the string device-width, indicating the width of the visual viewport.

  "config": {
    "designWidth": "device-width"

# data

Global data

  • Type: object

The value of this member is an object that can be globally accessed from any quick app page through the keyword this.

The object may contain key/value pairs, whose keys are strings that cannot start with a dollar sign ($) or the underscore (_) characters.

Every page also has a similar data variable but with local scope. If the global and the local data object variables contain the same key, the global variable overrides the local one during the page initialization.

  "config": {
    "data": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "category": "cat1"

# network

Network timeouts configuration

  • Type: object

This member contains an object to configure the timeout for the network functions such as resource fetch and upload (through the system.fetch, system.request.upload(), and system.websocketfactory functions).

The network object supports the following members:

# connectTimeout

Connection timeout

  • Type: number
  • Value by default: 30000

Optional member to define the maximum elapsed time allowed (in milliseconds) for establishing a network connection from the app.

  "config": {
    "data": {
      "network": {
        "connectTimeout": 35000

# readTimeout

Reading timeout

  • Type: number
  • Value by default: 30000

Optional member to define the maximum elapsed time (in milliseconds) allowed for reading network streams from the app.

  "config": {
    "data": {
      "network": {
        "readTimeout": 35000

# writeTimeout

Writing timeout

  • Type: number
  • Value by default: 30000

Optional member to define the maximum elapsed time (in milliseconds) allowed for writing network streams from the app.

  "config": {
    "data": {
      "network": {
        "writeTimeout": 35000

# background

Services running in background

  • Type: object

This member includes an object with an array of features, with the APIs used by the app that can run in the background. The APIs included in this member need to be also defined in the main features member.

The supported APIs that can run in background are:

  "config": {
    "background": {

Read more about quick app services running in background.

# recreateOnFolding

Refresh content in folding devices

  • Type: boolean
  • Value by default: true

This member is a boolean that indicates whether the system must reload the current page when a foldable screen changes its status (i.e., folded/unfolded).

The options are:

  • true to reload the page. The effect is the same as that when a user opens the current page for the first time (the system triggers the lifecycle events init, ready, and show). See more about lifecycle events.
  • false to avoid the refresh of the page.
  "config": {
    "recreateOnFolding": false

# router

Page routing configuration

  • Type: object
  • Required: yes

This member contains information about the routes of the different pages of the app.

The router object contains the following members:

# entry

Home page

  • Type: string
  • Required: yes

This router's attribute specifies the string that identifies the page that will be used as the entry page of the app.

  "router": {
    "entry": "Hello"

# errorPage

Error page

  • Type: string
  • Required: no

This router's attribute specifies the identifier of a page to be displayed when an internal error occurs (e.g., a page is not found in the app package).

The error page needs to be registered as the rest of the pages within the router's page attribute.

If errorPage is not specified or the identifier set is not included in the router's page list, the system will use a default error page.


The launch mode of the default error page is singleTask. When the system displays the default error page and there are no more pages in the page stack, the back button will redirect to the home page (entry member).

  "router": {
    "errorPage": "Error"

# pages

Configuration of the app pages

  • Type: object
  • Required: yes

This member includes information about all the pages of an app. The router's pages member is an object whose keys are strings with unique page identifiers. The value of each key (the page identifier) is an object with the details of the page configuration, including the location in the package and the name of the main component.

The pages object contains the following members:

# component

Component name

  • Type: string
  • Value by default: N/A
  • Required: yes

This member includes the name of the component corresponding to the page. The identifier must be the same as the UX file name that contains the page (e.g., a component identified as hello corresponds to the hello.ux filename).

  "router": {
    "pages": {
      "Hello": {
        "component": "hello"

# path

Page component path

  • Type: string
  • Value by default: /
  • Required: no

This member specifies the absolute path of the page in the app package (e.g., /user).

If the value is not set, the system will use the page identifier as default directory (i.e., /<component>). For example, in the configuration "Index": {"component": "index"}, the path is set to /Index by default.

  "router": {
    "pages": {
      "Hello": {
        "component": "hello",
        "path": "/"

# filter

Network requests filter

  • Type: object
  • Value by default: N/A
  • Required: no

Allowed network requests. This member includes an object with the HTTP(S) actions that are allowed on a page. Based on the values of this member, the system filters the access to external resources for each page.

The structure of a filter object contains a view object that is defined as follows:

"filter": { 
  "view": { 
    "uri": "<pattern>" 

The value of the uri member is a regular expression that includes the filtering rule that must match the URI for requesting data.

  "router": {
    "pages": {
      "Hello": {
        "filter": {
          "view": {
            "uri": "https?://.*"

The page can obtain the page access parameters from the $page variable.

# launchMode

Page launch mode

  • Type: string
  • Value by default: standard
  • Required: no

This member specifies how the system must open the page in terms of lifecycle events.

The launchMode attribute supports two different values: standard and singleTask.

  • standard. Using this value, the system creates a new page instance every time a user accesses the page.
  • singleTask. Using this value, the system opens the existing instance of the page every time a user opens the page. It triggers the refresh event to remove other pages launched through this page. If it is the first time the page is launched, the system creates one page instance.


The home page (entry) only supports the singleTask mode.

  "router": {
    "pages": {
      "Hello": {
        "launchMode": "standard"

See more details and examples of page launch mode on the lifecycle section.

# display

User interface configuration

  • Type: object
  • Value by default: N/A
  • Required: no

Configuration of the user interface. This member includes details to configure the look and feel of the app, like the theme, colors, menu, and title.

The display object contains the following members:


Smart displays usually support only full-screen and landscape modes, so fullScreen must be set to true, and orientation must be set to landscape. Title bar-related attributes are not supported.

# backgroundColor

Background color

The value of this member is a string that specifies the background color of the app in format.

  "display": {
    "backgroundColor": "#833075"
Sample quick app with background in purple

# fullScreen

full-screen mode

  • Type: boolean
  • Value by default: false

Full-screen mode. If the value of this member is true, the app will be run in full-screen mode, hiding the status bar.


The title bar is displayed by default and managed by the titleBar member.

  "display": {
    "fullScreen": true

The app is displayed in full screen:

Sample quick app with fullscreen to true
  "display": {
    "fullScreen": false

The result is:

Sample quick app with fullscreen to false

# titleBar

title bar display

  • Type: boolean
  • Value by default: true

Title bar display. This member indicates whether to display the title bar (true) or not (false).

Title bar displayed:

  "display": {
    "titleBar": true
Sample quick app displaying the title bar

Title bar hidden:

  "display": {
    "titleBar": false
Sample quick app hidding the title bar

# titleBarBackgroundColor

Title bar background color

The background color of the title bar. The value of this member is a string that specifies the background color of the app title bar.

  "display": {
    "titleBarBackgroundColor": "orange"
Sample quick app with title bar in orange

# titleBarTextColor

title bar text color

  • Type: string
  • Value by default: N/A

Text color of the title bar. The value of this member is a string that specifies the foreground color of the title bar of the app.

  "display": {
    "titleBarTextColor": "orange"
Sample quick app with title bar text in orange

# titleBarText

Content of the title bar

  • Type: string

Text of the title bar. The value of this member is a string that specifies the content of the title bar. This value may also be set up during the app's execution through the titleBarText parameter passed during the page routing.

  "display": {
    "titleBarText": "The title bar :)"
Sample quick app with title bar text

# titleBarBackgroundOpacity

Title bar transparency level

  • Type: decimal
  • Value by default: 1.0

The value of this member is a decimal number from 0 to 1 that defines the transparency of the title bar (i.e., 0 for transparent, 1.0 for opaque).

  "display": {
    "titleBarBackgroundOpacity": 0.4
Sample quick app with a translucid title bar

System's (quick app) menu

  • Type: boolean
  • Value by default: false

This member is a boolean that specifies whether the system's quick app menu icon is shown or not.


This attribute is deprecated. Menus are fixed and cannot be customized. Use the configuration of the system instead.

  "display": {
    "menu": false

# windowSoftInputMode

Virtual keyboard adjustment

  • Type: string
  • Value by default: adjustPan

This member indicates the mode of adjusting the page to ensure that the app content is visible when the virtual keyboard is displayed. The possible values are:

  • adjustPan. It moves the content of the page up to accommodate the virtual keyboard.
  • adjustResize. It compresses the display area of the page. This configuration is ignored when the page is displayed in full-screen mode.
  "display": {
    "windowSoftInputMode": "adjustResize"

# pages

Page display options

  • Type: object

This attribute is an object with keys as the page identifiers (the same identifiers as stated in the route member). The value of each page's key contains an object with the page's style, overriding the app's default style.

  "display": {
    "pages": {
      "Hello": {
        "backgroundColor": "#eeeeee",
        "fullScreen": true,
        "titleBarBackgroundColor": "#0000ff",
        "titleBarText": "Hello"

# orientation

Display orientation

  • Type: string
  • Value by default: portrait

The value of this member specifies the display orientation of the app pages (i.e., landscape and portrait). The possible values are:

  • portrait. Force the portrait mode.
  • landscape. Force the landscape mode.
  • auto (1070+): The orientation is based on the system auto-rotate settings.


After rotation, the dimensions of the page may change. If this orientation is set to auto, the app should be designed following a responsive layout for a smooth user experience.

  "display": {
    "orientation": "landscape"
Sample quick app in landscape mode

# statusBarImmersive

Status bar transparency

  • Type: boolean
  • Value by default: false

This member indicates whether to display the translucent status bar (true) or not (false).

  "display": {
    "statusBarImmersive": true

# statusBarTextStyle

Status bar theme

  • Type: string
  • Value by default: auto

Text style of the status bar. This member specifies the theme (i.e., light, dark) of the status bar. If the value is set to auto, the style will automatically adjust based on the status bar background color.


Currently, Huawei Quick Apps only supports the auto value.

  "display": {
    "statusBarTextStyle": "light"

# statusBarBackgroundColor

Status bar background color

The background color of the status bar. The value of this member is a string that specifies the background color of the status bar of the app. The default value is the same as the background color of the title bar.

  "display": {
    "statusBarBackgroundColor": "#ff0000"

# statusBarBackgroundOpacity

Status bar transparency

The value of this member is a decimal number from 0 to 1.0 that defines the transparency of the status bar (i.e., 0 for transparent, 1.0 for opaque). The default value is the same as the transparency of the title bar.

  "display": {
    "statusBarBackgroundOpacity": 0.6

# textSizeAdjust

Text size adjustment

  • Type: string
  • Value by default: N/A

The value of this member indicates whether the font size of the textual elements in the app is adjusted to the system font size changes. There are two options: auto to adjust the size to the system settings and none to avoid changes.

  "display": {
    "textSizeAdjust": "none"

Menu bar configuration

  • Type: object
  • Value by default: N/A

The value of this member is an object that describes the style of the menu bar.

The menuBarData object must include the menuBarStyle member, a string that indicates the theme of the menu bar. This attribute specifies the style of the menu bar. Values can be either:

  • dark (by default) for a dark style, and
  • light for a light style.
  "display": {
    "menuBarData": {
      "menuBarStyle": "light"

# subpackages

Sub-package configuration

  • Type: array of objects
  • Value by default: N/A
  • Required: no

Information about sub-packages that could be part of the app. This member specifies the strategy for packaging and loading sub-packages.

Objects of the subpackages array contain the following members:

# Package's name

Sub-package identifier

  • Type: string

The value of this member identifies a sub-package within the main app package. The value of this member is an alphanumeric string that can only contain letters, digits, and the underscore character (_).


The name base is reserved for the main package of the app. The default base package does not need to be described.

# resource

Sub-package path

  • Type: string

Path of the root directory of the sub-package. The value of this attribute is a string that contains the path to the directory that has the sub-package resources. The path is relative to the source code directory of the app (src directory).

The value of the resource member can contain only letters, digits, underscore (_), hyphen (-), and slash (/) characters. It cannot start with a hyphen (-) or slash (/) character. During the compilation phase, all resources in the directory are packed into a sub-package.

# trustedSslDomains

Trusted SSL domains (whitelist)

  • Type: array of strings
  • Value by default: N/A
  • Required: no

List of trusted SSL domains. The value of this member is an array with strings that represents the trusted domains the app may have access through the web component. When a web component accesses a specific resource whose certificate has expired or is invalid, users are warned and prompted to choose whether to continue or not.

  "trustedSslDomains": [