# Event Handling

We can listen to events on elements and run some scripts when they are triggered.

There are some common events that may be triggered on any essential element:

  • touchstart, touchmove, touchcancel, touchend, key, click, swipe, and longpress, triggered after the user's interaction with the app;
  • focus, blur, appear, disappear, and resize when the element changes its appearance or is selected/unselected;
  • animationstart, animationiteration, and animationend, triggered during an animation process.

Check all the essential elements and their specific events.

# Event Listeners

We can use the name of the event with the prefix on, or using the @ symbol to bind a listener method (or handler) with an event.

For instance, the follow example binds the method press() with the click event of <div> elements.

        <!-- Normal format --> 
        <div onclick="press"></div> 
        <!-- Shortcut --> 
        <div @click="press"></div> 
    module.exports= { 
        press: function(e) { 
            this.title = 'You clicked!!' 

The event handler includes an argument for the event that is triggered. In the case the method includes other parameters, the event is automatically added to the parameter list.

# Event Handlers with Constant Parameters

Methods to handle events may receive static and dynamic parameters.

This example displays a list of 5 correlative integers and binds click event handler on each digit.

    <div clas="page"> 
        <text for="{{list}}" onclick="handle($idx,$item)">{{$item}}</text> 
        flex-direction: column; 
        align-items: center; 
export default { 
    private: { 
        list: [1,2,3,4,5] 
    handle(index, item, event) { 
        console.log("Index: " + index); 
        console.log("Item: " + item); 
        console.log("Event: " + JSON.stringify(event)); 

After clicking on the last digit, the console shows:

Item: 5
Event: {"offsetX":8,"offsetY":724,"pageY":724,"clientY":724,"pageX":75,"clientX":75,"type":"click","target":{"ref":"30","type":"text","attr":{"value":5},"style":{"animationName":null,"fontFamily":[]},"event":["click"]},"currentTarget":{"ref":"30","type":"text","attr":{"value":5},"style":{"animationName":null,"fontFamily":[]},"event":["click"]},"timeStamp":1632828311348}

# Event Handlers with Variable Parameters

Event handler also may receive dynamic parameters, stored in the current component instance.

This example displays a list of 5 correlative integers and binds click event handler on each digit, passing a variable and the item of the list.

    <div clas="page"> 
        <text for="{{list}}" onclick="handle($idx,$item,result)">{{$item}}</text> 
        flex-direction: column; 
        align-items: center; 
export default { 
    private: { 
        list: [1,2,3,4,5],
        result: 0 
    handle(index, item, res, event) { 
        console.log("Index: " + index); 
        console.log("Item: " + item); 
        console.log("Result: " + res); 
        console.log("Event: " + JSON.stringify(event)); 

After clicking on the last digit, the console shows:

Index: 4
Item: 5
Result: 0
Event: {"offsetX":8,"offsetY":717,"pageY":717,"clientY":717,"pageX":75,"clientX":75,"type":"click","target":{"ref":"10","type":"text","attr":{"value":5},"style":{"animationName":null,"fontFamily":[]},"event":["click"]},"currentTarget":{"ref":"10","type":"text","attr":{"value":5},"style":{"animationName":null,"fontFamily":[]},"event":["click"]},"timeStamp":1632828900275}

Read more on events within each essential element.