# video

Video player.

Video options on a Quick App

(Example code)

Supported Formats

Quick apps supports the HTTP, HTTPS, and RTSP protocols, and audio and video encodings such as H.263, H.264, MPEG-4, AAC, FLAC, MP3. The platform supports the following file formats: MPEG-4 (.mp4), 3GPP (.3gp), MPEG-TS (.ts), Matroska (.mkv), and Ogg (.ogg).

# Children Elements

This element doesn't support children elements.

# Attributes

In addition to the common attributes, this element may contain the following attributes.

# muted

Attribute that indicates whether a video is played in mute mode (true) or not (false).

  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false
  • Mandatory: no

# src

Source of the video document. The value can be an absolute or a relative URI.

  • Type: uri
  • Default value: -
  • Mandatory: no

# autoplay

Flag to indicate if a video runs automatically once rendered.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false
  • Mandatory: no

# poster

Source of a preview image for the video.

  • Type: uri
  • Default value: -
  • Mandatory: no

# controls

Flag to indicate if the system shows the video control bar. If the value isfalse, the controls are hidden.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true
  • Mandatory: no

# orientation

This attribute indicates the page orientation used when the video is displayed in full-screen mode.

  • Type: string (portrait | landscape)
  • Default value: landscape
  • Mandatory: no

# titlebar

Flag that indicates if the system displays the title bar when a video is played in full-screen mode. The value true shows the title bar.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true
  • Mandatory: no


When the controls attribute is false, this parameter does not take effect.

# title

The value of this attribute indicates the title to be displayed in the title bar during full-screen playback.

  • Type: string
  • Default value: -
  • Mandatory: no


Only one line of text is displayed. If the text length exceeds the limit, the text is automatically truncated (...).

# CSS Properties

In addition to the common styles, this element supports the following styling properties:

# object-fit

Indicates how a video and its preview image are resized and adjusted to the container.

  • Type: string (contain | cover | fill | none | scale-down)
  • Default value: contain
  • Mandatory: no

The values for this property are:

  • cover: Resize an image while keeping its aspect ratio. As a result, the image's dimensions could exceed the view's dimensions, and the image will be centered.
  • contain: Resize an image while keeping its aspect ratio within the view's dimensions and centering it.
  • fill: Resize an image without keeping its aspect ratio to fill the view.
  • none: Resize an image while keeping its original aspect ratio.
  • scale-down: The effect of this style is similar to applying none and contain in sequence. The result will be a smaller image.

# Events

In addition to the common events (with the exception of swipe), this element supports the following events:

# prepared

This event is triggered when a video is successfully loaded.

# start

This event is triggered when a video starts o re-starts playing.

# pause

This event is triggered when a video is paused.

# finish

This event is triggered when a video ends.

# error

This event is triggered when a video playback fails.

# seeking

This event is triggered after a user interaction with the video progress bar.

Additional parameters:

  • { currenttime: number }. The current position of the video (in seconds).

# seeked

This event is triggered when the user ends the interaction with the video progress bar.

Additional parameters:

  • { currenttime: number }. The current position of the video (in seconds).

# timeupdate

This event is triggered when the playing progress changes. This event is triggered every 250 ms.

Additional parameters:

  • { currenttime: number }. The current position of the video (in seconds).

# fullscreenchange

This event is triggered when a video changes the full-screen mode.

Additional parameters:

  • { fullscreen: boolean }

# Methods

This element has the following methods:

# start()

Starts playing a video.

# pause()

Pauses a video.

# setCurrentTime({currenttime})

Method to set the video playing position.


  • object with the following attributes:
    • currenttime: number. Position in seconds.

# requestFullscreen({screenOrientation})

Requests to enter the full-screen mode.


  • object with the following attributes:
    • screenOrientation:string. Indicates the orientation of the screen (landscape or portrait) (portrait by default).

# exitFullscreen()

Method to exit the full-screen mode.

# Example

  <div class="container">
    <div class="mt-item mlr-container">
      <video title="Video component" titlebar="{{showTitleBar}}" controls="{{showControls}}" src="{{videoUrl}}" class="video" id="video"></video>
    <list class="mlr-container btn-list">
      <list-item type="btn" class="btn-item">
        <text class="btn-transparent" onclick="startVideo">Play</text>
      <list-item type="btn" class="btn-item">
        <text class="btn-transparent" onclick="stopVideo">Pause</text>
      <list-item type="btn" class="btn-item">
        <text class="btn-transparent" onclick="fullscreen">Full Screen</text>
      <list-item type="btn" class="btn-item">
        <text class="btn-transparent" onclick="switchControls">Toggle Controls</text>
      <list-item type="btn" class="btn-item">
        <text class="btn-transparent" onclick="switchTitleBar">Toggle Title</text>
      <list-item type="btn" class="btn-item">
        <text class="btn-transparent" onclick="setTime">Seek (5")</text>

<style lang="sass">
    columns: 2;
      height: 140px;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;
  .video {
    width: 60%;
  .mt-item {
    flex-direction: row;
    width: 100%;
    justify-content: center;

  module.exports = {
    public: {
      videoUrl: "https://espinr.github.io/sandbox/quickapps/videos/raining-leaf.mp4",
    onInit: function () {
      this.$page.setTitleBar({ text: 'video' });
      this.showControls = !this.showControls;
      this.showTitleBar = !this.showTitleBar;