# slot

Represents a placeholder for distributing content in child components. This element is similar to the slot HTML templating element (opens new window).

# Children Elements

slot elements may have any children elements.

# Attributes

This element may contain the following attribute:

# attribute

Name of a slot.

  • Type: string
  • Default value: default
  • Mandatory: no

If the element has the name attribute set up, it is called a named slot.

# Usage

You can use the slot element to define a placeholder inside a component and fill it in with content from other component.

We can create the template with specific markup, and include a placeholder with slot.

<!-- detail.ux template -->

We can include the previous detail.ux template as a child of another component main.ux and distribute the content.

<!-- main.ux template -->
<import name="detail" src="./detail.ux"></import> 
      <text>Parent's content 1</text> 

The two DOM trees will be presented together during the rendering process.

Slot example in a Quick App

# Content by Default

You can include content by default in the slot element. This will be shown in case no value is defined by the parent.

<!-- detail.ux template -->
      <text>Default content in the child component</text> 
<!-- main.ux template -->
<import name="detail" src="./detail.ux"></import> 

With the following result:

Slot example in a Quick App

When the content is not distributed to the children templates, the value by default will be rendered with the content by default.

The following example renders the value by default.

<!-- main.ux template -->
<import name="detail" src="./detail.ux"></import> 
        <text if="{{showContent}}">Dynamic content that may be shown...</text>
export default { 
  data() { 
    return { 
      showContent: false 

With this result:

Slot example in a Quick App

# Named Slot

In a component, slot elements with different names to refer to them from the external. If name is not set, default is used.

<!-- detail.ux template -->
    <div class="header"> 
      <!-- Put the header here. --> 
      <slot name="header"></slot> 
    <div class="main"> 
      <!-- Put the body here. --> 
      <slot name="main"></slot> 
    <div class="footer"> 
      <!-- Put the footer here. --> 
      <slot name="footer"></slot> 

In the parent element, set the slot attribute. If it is not set, default is used. Then, the content is distributed to the corresponding slot element.

<!-- main.ux template -->
<import name="detail" src="./detail.ux"></import> 
      <text slot="header">header content</text> 
      <text slot="main">main content</text> 
      <text slot="footer">footer content</text> 