# list

List items container.

List on a Quick App

(Example code)

# Children Elements

Only the list-item elements are supported as children nodes.

# Attributes

In addition to the common attributes, this element may contain the following attributes.

# scrollpage

Page scroll activation/deactivation.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false
  • Mandatory: no

Activate/deactivate the scroll on the rest of the page elements, including those out of the list. Enabling this attribute will compromise the list rendering performance.


The scrollpage attribute is not supported if the list is horizontal.

# CSS Properties

In addition to the common styles, this element supports the following styling properties:

# flex-direction

Sets the direction of the main flex container and specifies how the list-item children are placed in the list.

  • Type: string (column, row, row-reverse, column-reverse)
  • Default value: column
  • Mandatory: no

# columns

Number of displayed columns.

  • Type: number
  • Default value: 1
  • Mandatory: no

# layout-type

Type of the layout of the list.

  • Type: string (grid, stagger)
  • Default value: grid
  • Mandatory: no

The layout style could be grid, in case of a grid style, and stagger for a waterfall style (where the height of each list-item can be customized).

# Events

In addition to the common events, this element supports the following events:

# scroll

Indicates if the list is scrolling.

Additional parameters:

  • { scrollX: integer, scrollY: integer, scrollState: integer }

The state of the scroll (scrollState) could be:

  • 0 when the list is not scrolling,
  • 1 when the list is scrolling, and
  • 2 when the list is scrolling and the user already is interacting with the list.

# scrollbottom

A list is scrolled to the bottom.

Additional parameters: no

# scrolltop

A list is scrolled to the top.

Additional parameters: no

# scrollend

A list stops scrolling.

Additional parameters: no

# scrolltouchup

A list is scrolling inertially after the user stops the interaction with the list.

Additional parameters: no

# Methods

This element has the following methods:

# scrollTo({index, smooth, behavior})

Scrolls a list to the position of a specified list-item.


  • object with the following attributes:
    • index: integer (mandatory). The index of the target list-item to scroll to.
    • smooth: boolean. To enable smooth scrolling (false by default).
    • behavior: string. Equivalent to the smooth parameter. The value can be: smooth, instant, or auto (auto by default, that behaves as instant).

# scrollBy({dx, dy, smooth} | {left, top, behavior})

Scrolls a list using an offset.


  • Either an object with the following attributes:
    • dx: integer. Horizontal scrolling offset in px (0 by default).
    • dy: integer. Vertical scrolling offset in px.
    • smooth: boolean. Scroll a list smoothly or not (true by default).
  • Or an object with the following attributes:
    • left: integer . Horizontal scrolling offset in px (0 by default). If the value is positive, the list scrolls to the left. If the value is negative, the list scrolls to the right. This parameter does not take effect when flex-direction is set to column or column-reverse.
    • top: integer Vertical scrolling offset in px (0 by default). If the value is positive, the list scrolls upwards. If the value is negative, the list scrolls downwards. This parameter does not take effect when flex-direction is set to row or row-reverse.
    • behavior: string | Indicates whether to enable smooth scrolling. Value can be smooth, instant, or auto (by default which behaves like instant).

# Example

  <div class="container">
    <div class="case-title mt-item">
      <text class="title">grid layout</text>
    <div class="item-container">
      <list class="list grid" onscrollbottom="gridScrollBottom" id="list">
        <list-item class="list-item bg-blue" type="grid" for="(index,gridItem) in list1">
          <text class="color-white">{{index}}</text>
        <list-item class="list-item" type="grid">
          <progress class="progress" type="circular"></progress>
    <div class="case-title mt-item">
      <text class="title">waterfall layout</text>
    <div class="item-container">
      <list class="list stagger" onscrollbottom="staggerScrollBottom" id="listStagger">
        <list-item class="list-item bg-blue" style="height:{{gridItem.height}}px;" type="stagger" for="(index,gridItem) in list2">
          <text class="color-white">{{index}}</text>
        <list-item class="list-item" type="stagger">
          <progress class="progress" type="circular"></progress>
    <div class="row-center mt-btn">
      <text class="btn-transparent" onclick="scrollTop">Back to the top</text>
    <div class="row-center mt-btn">
      <text class="btn-transparent" onclick="scrollDown">200px smooth down</text>

<style lang="sass">
  @import '../../../Common/css/common.scss';
  @import '../../../Common/css/button.scss';
  .list {
    height: 300px;
    background-color: #f1f1f1;
    columns: 4;
    .list-item {
      margin-right: 10px;
      margin-bottom: 10px;
      justify-content: center;
    .progress {
      width: 50px;
      height: 50px;
  .grid {
    .list-item {
      height: 100px;
  .stagger {
    layout-type: stagger;

  const listTmp = [
    { height: 80 },
    { height: 170 },
    { height: 100 },
    { height: 70 },
    { height: 250 },
    { height: 150 },
    { height: 120 },
    { height: 70 },
    { height: 150 },
    { height: 80 }
  const listTmp2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
  module.exports = {
    public: {
      list1: [...listTmp2, ...listTmp2],
      list2: [...listTmp, ...listTmp]
    onInit: function () {
      this.$page.setTitleBar({ text: 'list' });
    gridScrollBottom() {
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.list1 = [...this.list1, ...listTmp2];
      }, 1000);
    staggerScrollBottom() {
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.list2 = [...this.list2, ...listTmp];
      }, 1000);
    scrollDown() {
      this.$element('list').scrollBy({ dy: 200 });
      this.$element('listStagger').scrollBy({ dy: 200 });
    scrollTop() {
      this.$element('list').scrollTo({ index: 0 });
      this.$element('listStagger').scrollTo({ index: 0 });


Sometimes, the scrollto method may fail to scroll a list to the specified location. The possible cause is that the element was not rendered yet. You can guarantee that performance, calling the method after 50 milliseconds.