# input

User input control.

Input components on a Quick App

(Example code)

# Children Elements

This element doesn't support children elements.

# Attributes

In addition to the common attributes, this element may contain the following attributes.

# type

Type of the input control. It can be modified dynamically.

  • Type: string (button | checkbox | radio | text | email | date | time | number | password)
  • Default value: input
  • Mandatory: no

# checked

This attribute indicates if a checkbox-typed input is selected or not. The setting activate the :checked pseudo-class.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false
  • Mandatory: no

# name

Name of the input element.

  • Type: string
  • Default value: -
  • Mandatory: no

# value

Current value of the input element.

  • Type: string
  • Default value: -
  • Mandatory: no

# placeholder

Placeholder content of the input control when the type is text, email, date, time, number, or password.

  • Type: string
  • Default value: -
  • Mandatory: no

# maxlength

Maximum number of characters allowed in an input box. An empty value indicates no limit.

  • Type: number
  • Default value: -
  • Mandatory: no

# enterkeytype

Display label of the Enter button on the soft keyboard.

  • Type: string (default | next | go | done | send | search |
  • Default value: default
  • Mandatory: no

# CSS Properties

In addition to the common styles, this element supports the following styling properties:

This element supports the :active pseudo-class.

# color

Color of the font.

  • Type: <color>
  • Default value: rgba(0,0,0,0.87)
  • Mandatory: no

# font-size

Font size.

  • Type: <length>
  • Default value: 37.5px
  • Mandatory: no

# placeholder-color

Color of the placeholder text color.

  • Type: <color>
  • Default value: rgba(0,0,0,0.38)
  • Mandatory: no

# font-weight

Weight of the font.

  • Type: string (lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | normal | bold | bolder)
  • Default value: normal
  • Mandatory: no

# width

Width of the input field.

  • Type: <length-percentage>
  • Default value: -
  • Mandatory: no


The default value is 128px when type is button.

# height

Height of the input field.

  • Type: <length-percentage>
  • Default value: -
  • Mandatory: no


The default value is 70px when type is button.

# font-family

Font family of for the text.

  • Type: string
  • Default value: -
  • Mandatory: no

To customize fonts, please refer font-face style.

# caret-color

Color of the cursor.

  • Type: string (color | transparent | auto)
  • Default value: auto
  • Mandatory: no

# Events

In addition to the common events, this element supports following events.

# change

Event triggered when checked or value changes.

Additional parameters:

  • { name: string }. Applicable when type is checkbox or radio.
  • { value: string }. Applicable when type is text, email, date, time, number, password, checkbox or radio.
  • { checked: boolean }. Applicable when type is checkbox.


You can get current value of an input element through evt.value in the change event (when type is checkbox, radio, text, email, date, time, number, or password). The value cannot be obtained through this.$element('ID').value.

# enterkeyclick

This event is triggered when the user presses the Enter key on the soft keyboard.

Additional parameters:

  • { value: string }

# selectionchange

This event is triggered when the select() or setSelectionRange() methods are called in the input element to change the selected string.

This event applies only to the scenario where the input element type is text, email, date, time, or number.

# Methods

This element has the following methods:

# focus({focus})

The event is triggered when an element gets/loses the focus.


  • object with the following attributes:
    • focus: boolean (optional). Set/unset the focus (true by default).

# select()

Selects all the text in a text input.

# setSelectionRange({start,end})

Select a specific text string in a text input.


  • object with the following attributes:
    • start: number. Start position.
    • end: number. End position.

# getSelectionRange({callback})

Gets the text selected in a text input.


  • object with the following attributes:
    • callback : function(start : number, end : number).

# Force the Focus on the Element

You can force the focus status on an input element, using the public method focus(). This method triggers the focus event on this element.

This focus() method has a boolean argument that indicates whether the element is focused (true, value by default) or not (false).


# Example

  <div class="container">
    <div class="case-title mt-item">
      <text class="title">type="text"</text>
    <div class="mlr-container">
      <input id="textInput" placeholder="This is a text input box" class="input-big" enterkeytype="next" />
    <div class="case-title mt-item">
      <text class="title">type="email"</text>
    <div class="mlr-container">
      <input type="email" placeholder="This is a text input box" class="input-big" enterkeytype="done" />
    <div class="case-title mt-item">
      <text class="title">type="radio"</text>
    <div class="info-container">
      <div class="info-item border-bottom-1">
        <label target="male" class="title">Male</label>
        <div class="result">
          <input class="radio" type="radio" id="male" name="gender" />
      <div class="info-item">
        <label target="female" class="title">Female</label>
        <div class="result">
          <input class="radio" type="radio" id="female" name="gender" />
    <div class="case-title mt-item">
      <text class="title">type="checkbox"</text>
    <div class="info-container">
      <div class="info-item border-bottom-1">
        <label target="apple" class="title">Apple</label>
        <div class="result">
          <input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" id="apple" name="fruit" />
      <div class="info-item">
        <label target="orange" class="title">Orange</label>
        <div class="result">
          <input class="radio" type="checkbox" id="orange" name="fruit" />
    <div class="case-title mt-item">
      <text class="title">type="button"</text>
    <div class="mlr-container row-center">
      <input type="button" class="btn-blue" value="submit" />

  module.exports = {
    onShow(options) {